Mango Hot Water Processing Plant
Just as simple as the word processing is, the same implies to our working conditions. According to USDA (standard) Mangoes shall be treated by 48C for 60 Min as it increases its shelf life.
Processing can be briefly divided into the following steps:
Initial Grading Improper or defected Mangoes are sorted our manually by our experienced workers who are chosen for this specific task. This process lets the only fine quality Mangoes enter the process.
Initial Washing Mangoes are washed initially with the help of hot water with chlorine 200ppm at 45-48C that let the dirt or other unaccepted material get off from the skin of Mangoes.
48C Hot Water Emulsion Tank This is the most important step of the Processing. Mangoes are now treated in hot water temperature at 48C for 60 minutes in (with pulp temperature 46. IC-46.6C) in hot water Tank. This activity kills the fruit flies and their eggs as well as the following bacteria: –
- Aspidiotus destructor
- Bactrocera dorsalis
- Bactrocera zonata
- Coccus viridis
- Dysmicoccus neobrevipes
- Parasaissetia nigra
- Rastrococcus iceryoides
- Sternochetus mangiferae
- Thrips palmi
Air Dryer After the process of Waxing the Mangoes are need to be dried by the help of Air dryer. The Mangoes are then dried which were wet due to the process of Waxing.
Wax Immulsion Tank After the Mangoes passed from 48C Hot Water Immulsion tank now they are treated in Wax Immulsion Tank by the help of Wax. The Mangoes go through the glowing process that shines its skin. This gives a new look hence increasing Mango’s worth when put out to Sale and also minimize dehydration and controls the respiration process. Also the dehydration and controls the respiration process. Also the pores on the Skin of Mangoes are semi-sealed by the help of Wax.
After packing Mangoes are kept for 2 hours at room temperature in order to make it ready to be kept in the Cooling room. The Mangoes are now kept in the Cooling room at 10-12C.
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